Let’s not beat around the bush: WiLD looked incredible. The ambitious open worlder helmed by Michel Ancel and his Wild Sheep Studio was announced as a PlayStation 4 exclusive eons ago, but with the Rayman maker retiring from games and development seemingly stalling for an entire generation, word is that it no longer exists.
First, let’s get to the source: the rumour comes courtesy of chatty Venture Beat scribe Jeff Grubb, speaking as part of his latest Giant Bomb podcast. The video’s currently behind a paywall, but VGC quotes the alleged industry insider as claiming that the game is “dead”. He said: “The project got shut down. The team that was working on it was looking at maybe trying to stay together and work on other projects.”
The game was first announced at Gamescom in 2014, where it won our Game of the Show award, as voted by you. A fascinating gameplay demo – including a giant naked snake lady – followed a year later at Paris Games Week, but updates have been sparse since then. This always looked expensive and ambitious, so without Ancel’s vision, it’s hardly a surprise to learn the project may have been scrapped.
We’ll try and follow up with Sony to see if we can get confirmation of the project’s status, and we’ll update if we get a response.
[source giantbomb.com, via videogameschronicle.com]
Comments 32
That’s a shame
At this point I wasn't expecting WiLD to ever actually release, but it would be nice to get some confirmation.
Hermen Hulst does not mess around. Wild, Manchester studio and Japan studio all shut down, because they couldnt deliver.
I never actually thought this was gonna come out. Even if it did, it would get an uneventful reception and probably look like a late PS3 game.
I legitimately keep forgetting this was a thing only to get reminded every couple years continuously.
This game had as much chance of releasing as Abandoned does, but at least there was a trailer for Wild
Darn, it looked so fun! Oh well.
7 years after it was announced, this is very disappointing
How do these developers survive.
It’s hard enough as it is at the moment.
All that time and money just gone how sad.
Don't worry, at least we still have Capcom's Deep Down and Rockstar's Agent to look forward to.
lmao Jeff Grubb
@Royalblues Considering that the last three games I bought were a train simulator, a puzzle game about being dead, and a visual novel of questionable taste, I have to disagree with your take. Variety seems to be doing quite well.
Jeff Scrub, lol ok.
This seems to be something that you have to worry about when Sony tries to feel its line up with 3rd party exclusives. Between this, Agent and if I thought about it longer probably a few others. The only exclusive I can think of thats made a come back from the brink and it was first party is The Last Guardian.
@Amppari Hulst had literally nothing to do with this. Ancel "retired" amid accusations of abuse, and the studio was independent so they weren't even Sony's to shut down.
This, along with Beyond Good & Evil 2 if I were a betting man, has probably been dead for a while and we're just now hearing about it because it's been 7 years and everyone forgot it was even a thing.
I forgot about it completely. BG&E 2 will probably suffer the same fate. And that would be for the best as that game has a terrible case of feature-creep and lack of direction.
@Royalblues You definitely have a point there. I picked up AC Valhalla, Fenyx Rising, and Watchdogs Legion when they were on sale over the past year and you can definitely tell that all share a bit of that Ubisoft formula. Yet even Ubi lets fly with some interesting games now and then. I thought Steep was good fun and Riders Republic looks impressive. Also, I still can't believe that they stuck with Rocksmith for as long as they did considering how niche it is.
Cancelled?! I demand to see a full body shot of this giant tree creature to see if this is worth opening a change.org petition on 😤
It's sad as this game looked pretty cool even though we saw very little of it. I thought it was already canceled years ago though so I can't say this is too shocking.
Not gonna lie, this is my first time even hearing about this game.
"a giant naked snake lady "
Wait, Big Boss was in on the Lady Dimi fancession?
Guess I'm not surprised. Just the concept alone felt too ambitious even as a PS4 game. Honestly, don't be surprised if Deep Down follows suit.
rather just wait to hear the full truth than Jeff said these days.
News this obvious shouldn't upset me this much but it does.
Honestly, I'm surprised it took this long to announce it. I figured it had been cancelled for about five years now.
Looking at the trailer again, I vaguely remember seeing it way back then.
Probably for the best then that it's cancelled. It would feel last last gen.
canceled? that disapointing, Beyond Good and Evil 2 next to be cancelled?
This game was always puzzling. They had even posted new job postings in June and July for the project on their official website
its the same place where agent is , or bio shock psp , resident evil psp.
I thought it had already been canceled? lol
I thought that this would never release as soon as it was announced. It had that smell about it...The smell of death.
Michel Ancel and Peter Molyneux must be related.
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